YOU'RE OUR GOD Mark Condon Lyrics

YOU'RE OUR GOD Lyrics Mark Condon

Recently Added Lyrics Mark Condon YOU'RE OUR GOD

Mark Condon comes through with a new song titled "YOU'RE OUR GOD" Our vibrant community of passionate editors is making sure lyrics is up to date with the latest.

See & Read Mark Condon YOU'RE OUR GOD Lyrics


Glorious and resplendent God
Who decorates the stars above
We lift You Higher for we know who You are
Sovereign and exalted One
Beside You there is no none one
We lift You higher for we know who You are

You’re our God and You reign
You're our God and we bless Your name
We are here to boast of who You are
You’re Our God and You reign
You’re our God and we bless Your name
We delight in who You are

Boundless and unfailing God
Who wraps us in his arms of love
We lift You higher for we know who You are
Creator of all the eyes can see
The mountains and the raging seas
We lift You higher for we know who You are


We honor and adore You
We reverence You O God
We bless and give thanks for You
We joy in who You are

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