Recently Added Lyrics Kevin Siva Covid-19
Kevin Siva comes through with a new song titled "Covid-19" Our vibrant community of passionate editors is making sure lyrics is up to date with the latest.
See & Read Kevin Siva Covid-19 Lyrics
Sorry my voice is a bit nasally
I’ve been sick
Runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever
Coronavirus got you busy like a beaver
Buyin’ all the TP in the store
And after that, you want even more
But it's the sanitizer, not the soap
That's got you people feeling really dope
Y'all buying toilet paper, hand sanitizer
I'm buying the gasoline, immobilizer
While you're sitting home and wipin’ yo butt
I'm driving around and strutting my stuff
Think you got the virus? Better go to the hospital
I'll be riding around, looking through my opticals
Watching you fools who forgot about gas
Sitting at home just wiping your...
Quarantined in the studio late at night
All the virus gettin’ everybody real hyped
Covid 19 is the one to blame
That I'm quarantined at home just playin' phone games
Puttin fresh new apps on my phone
And making sick new beats on the xylophone
I go through the check station every day
Pumpin out these beats that I play
I wiped my butt before it was cool
Countin’ up the paper like my names George Boole
I wash my hand, no hand sanitizer
I use soap and water like I'm a janitor
You thought I was done?
Well let just me say
Covid 19 is here to stay
Just like the man at the grocery store
Waitin' for some toilet paper so he can buy more
Toilet paper comes on a truck tonight
Two ladies standing outside to fight
One lady says
“I Touched it first!”
The second lady says
“You wanna go home in a hearse?”
“No, I don’t but you're acting as you do!”
“Just give me the TP and let me through”
“Sorry old witch that's not something I do”
“Now give it back so I can go take a poo”
Meanwhile, another part of the store
People, Keep, Asking for more
Hand sanitizer to use on their hands
Since they didn't have any TP to wipe their …
People keep on askin' the clerk
“Why are you out of toilet paper ya jerk?”
He replies “It's not my fault”
“I'm not the one who made this toilet paper buying cult”
“Okay then, sorry my bad
I guess I'll just have to go talk to your dad!”
“I'm just sad.
I'm not mad.
No, wait. I'm really really really mad”
“Where is my hand sanitizer?”