Recently Added Lyrics Computer Virtual Choir Carol No. 1: HAVE THOU ROOM FOR LITTLE BABE?
Computer Virtual Choir comes through with a new song titled "Carol No. 1: HAVE THOU ROOM FOR LITTLE BABE?" Our vibrant community of passionate editors is making sure lyrics is up to date with the latest.
See & Read Computer Virtual Choir Carol No. 1: HAVE THOU ROOM FOR LITTLE BABE? Lyrics
Have thou room for little babe? Have thou bed to lay your king? Christ the son of God is born, born this day in Bethlehem; strike your harp and raise a hymn, sing a song of jubilee, hope of all the earth has come, joy of all is born today.
Sing ye now in blissful note, spread the news o'er all the earth: hope of prisoners has come, freedom to oppressed is here; he shall make the blind to see, he shall cause the lame to walk, he shall make the dump to speak, he shall cause the dead to rise.
Blessed town of Bethlehem, thou art not the least at all, in the land of Judah, thou art not the least at all; as from thee is born today greatest ruler of the earth, thou hast made our morn to rise, thou hast caused our fears to cease.