Recently Added Lyrics Uriel Wing Adam and Eve (Reprise)
Uriel Wing comes through with a new song titled "Adam and Eve (Reprise)" Our vibrant community of passionate editors is making sure lyrics is up to date with the latest.
See & Read Uriel Wing Adam and Eve (Reprise) Lyrics
Eve, she once said, to Adam:
“My womb won’t carry children,
I only want you.
Things will divide
and I don’t want to stride
over a gap that takes long to subside.”
She has sex everyday
with her man, that she loves, now,
over and over again.
You tell me, my friend:
How can it be wrong;
loving one another till the end
How can it be wrong with love until the end?
Lyrics & Music: Copyright Per Berglund, Malmö Nov. 2021, all fucking rights reserved forever.